Make Money with the #GrabienGoldenTicket


Just in time for tonight's debate, help us grow Grabien, and get paid. Like, legit paid.

If you have any friends, family, coworkers, bosses, interns, colleagues, ex-lovers, potential new bosses, potential new lovers — really anyone at all who might want to try Grabien Enterprise — tell them about the promo code #GrabienGoldenTicket, and you can earn hefty commission(s). Should any of your referrals end up subscribing, you'll receive 50 percent of their first month's payment (that's $200 - $500 per user you refer, depending on the account status they sign up for). 

So if you know anyone who might want to try Grabien, send them your referral link, pasted below, and the promo code #GrabienGoldenTicket. Steps they should take: Click your link; register for an account; then click "Credits," "Utilize promo code."  

There's no better opportunity to try Grabien's production suite than during tonight's first 2020 presidential debate. And what better way than with a free one-day pass? 

Your referral code:{%USER_ID%}

Promo code to give your friends: #GrabienGoldenTicket

Thanks & Happy Clipping!