New Feature, New Montage


We’ve just added a new tool to Grabien Enterprise users’ toolbox. The LiveClipper, NewsMonitor, and NewsBase now capture both broadcast news feeds as well as online news feeds. We’ve added CBSN, Cheddar TV, Newsmax TV, and are actively adding more.

This new production tool is also able to capture one-time livestreams. 

That means if there’s a speech, press conference, political campaign stop, or any other news event happening on a livestream — we can add it the LiveClipper/NewsMonitor/NewsBase, so that you can clip it live.

And we take requests! If there’s something happening we should know about, hit us up. We anticipate this will be helpful as the 2020 campaign season heats up. 

We’ve also just posted a new montage, which you can check out here. And buy here

Thanks & Happy Friday,
